JFK's Legacy Remembered At CHS

Student Life

By Sunaina Santosh, 2021

Published 11/25/19

The JFK memorial near the CHS senior walk. Photo courtesy of Sunaina Santosh.

The infamous story of John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s assassination is recounted time and time again. The legacy of a president, cut short in a fraction of a second by an individual who would never be caught. A greater tragedy is yet to come.

John F. Kennedy was one of the great presidents of the United States of America, who truly made a difference. As the youngest president ever elected, he was able to bring the US out of a recession with his reforms by increasing its GDP. In 1961, he set up the Peace Corps by executive order. Since its creation, over 22,000 Americans have joined and served in over 140 countries. Through fighting for civil rights for African Americans, establishing the Equal Pay Act for women, and averting nuclear war with the Soviet Union, Kennedy’s presidency was filled with turmoil, but he overcame.

As the anniversary of his passing came on November 22, the Cheshire High H.I.S.T.O.R.Y. club dug up some old newspaper clippings from that fateful time. The paper shows how the event was recounted and remembered. Kennedy’s death was such a shock that the waves are still seen today. While the days of JFK in office were cut short, he definitely made an impact for the world to see. We now remember the legacy he left on the presidential chair and the nation.

To read more about John F. Kennedy from the past, visit the showcases near the nurse’s office and at the top of Thorp auditorium.