Lockers Available for the First Time in Three Years

Student life

By Malakhi Beyah, 2025

Published 11/16/22

On October 12, administration gave students access to lockers for $10, after three years of keeping them blocked off due to the pandemic. This announcement came as a great relief for some students, especially because it meant fewer things to carry on their backs. According to one student, “I think that introducing lockers to CHS again would be useful to students as they won’t have to carry their textbooks, jackets, and other heavy items around anymore.”

However, not all students see the benefit of using lockers again. The current sophomores and juniors have never used lockers at CHS before now, and some have become accustomed to high school life without them. As one sophomore stated, “All of freshman year, I got used to keeping my binders at home and rotating them every night. I bought a locker when they became available, but I have yet to see the benefits. It is far away from all of my classes, and with only five minutes between periods, I never have time to stop at it anyway. Now, it is still empty except for one textbook. Was it worth the money?”

In this way, the pandemic has made many reconsider the high school tradition of using lockers.