Can We Spike your Interest?


By Charlie Mathews, 2020

Published 9/23/19

Students playing spike ball after school. Photo courtesy of Abby Dziura, 2020.

Are you interested in playing spike ball? Spike ball has become one of the most popular games over the last year, and Cheshire High School is looking to introduce a new club where students can meet up after school and play the infamous summer game. Over the summer, many high school students met at the turf to play. Because of the game’s popularity, CHS students have taken the initiative to start a club.

On Friday, September 13th, the spike ball club had its first informational meeting. The officers, including Brian Brown (Class of 2020), Jack Loura (Class of 2020), and Ben Fritz (Class of 2020), gave a presentation going over the guidelines of the club and the rules of the game. The game is played with four players in two teams of two. Players have up to three alternating touches to return the ball to the net. After the serve, players can move or hit in any direction. Points are scored when the ball hits the rim, the ground, or bounces more than once on the net.

The club aims to bring people together--Spikeball is a game that can be learned and played by anyone. Mr. Faggella, the advisor of the club, is looking forward to heading outside to play. When asked how he will draw attention to the club, president Brain Brown (Class of 2020) said, “we will use social media as a platform to bring attention to the club and get new members to join." Brown is also taking time to make T-shirts for the club, which members can purchase for $20. Mr. Faggella is also excited to get the club going. “This is a great idea and it is a great opportunity for CHS students to come together because anyone can play this game,'' he said. If you are interested in joining the club, contact Mr. Faggella (