most learned & most wanted to learn languages


By Emily Junaedi, 2027

Published 11/23/2023

 World Languages. Image courtesy of Google Images.

It’s no surprise that the number one learned language in the world is English. Over 50 countries have English as their official language. It is also common that English is learned as a second language. In many countries, English is mandatory to take as a class. Of course, if English is your first language, there is no need to relearn it. So what other languages do English speakers learn? Some other common languages that people learn are Spanish, French, Chinese, and Italian.

In a poll, ten people from CHS were asked what languages they learned in school, what languages they learned at home, and what languages they wanted to learn. Out of the ten students, only Spanish, French, and Latin were taken as a course. Seven people took Spanish, two students took French, and one learned Latin.

See Graph #1

Five of the students listed the languages that they learned but the other half said that they didn’t learn any languages outside of school.

See Graph #2

But what are some languages that people want to learn? According to Big Language Solutions in their article The 7 Best Languages to Learn, they identify the seven most trending languages, which are: Spanish, German, Arabic, Mandarin, Portuguese, Russian, and French. But a language that someone may want to learn would depend on the person and their preferences, background, or other circumstances.

Gianna Romandetti says that she learns Latin at school, but she still practices it on Duolingo at home, along with Italian, French, and Russian. A language she would like to potentially learn is Lithuanian, and she wants to learn it because she is part Lithuanian.

Isha Vishwanath is learning Spanish in school but would also like to learn Korean. She said, “I think it’s an interesting language, and I want to visit Korea someday.” Isha also enjoys K-Pop and would like to discover more about Korean culture.

The same students wrote down the languages that they wanted to learn to speak and understand.

See Graph #3

Graph #1

Graph #2

Images courtesy of Emily Junaedi

Graph #3