Healthy Balance and achievement: the class for a stressed generation


By Grace Azaula, 2020

Published 09/27/19

Picture courtesy of Google Images

In recent years, the stress levels of Cheshire High School students have seemed to be escalating at a rapid pace. From SATs, to GPAs, to extracurriculars, to everything in between, there are a plethora of responsibilities that teenagers are held accountable for in today’s society. In response to this increased anxiety and stress within the student body, guidance made a transformation on how we treat these issues. Instead of ignoring them and telling students to deal with it, they started to incorporate mediation and strategies to deal with stress. 5 years later, and there is a new, one semester long class called Healthy Balance and Achievement required for all freshmen.

This class focuses on a variety of topics relating to stress management and mediation. For the first quarter, students will focus on coping skills. The second quarter revolves around other skills including organization, problem solving, and time management. Mrs. Daddio spearheads this portion of the class, using hands-on activities to help students with these important skills.

Although some were skeptical of the idea, the feedback has been positive ever since the class started up. A survey is completed at the end of each semester, and last year, the survey showed 90% of students enjoyed the class. They appreciated the nice break in the day, and the skills that they were able to perfect because of the class.

Mrs. Gerard, one of the main faculty members involved with this class, feels very strongly about the course and all it can do for the CHS students. “I am hopeful that continued mindfulness in our school can help us manage our lives with more awareness and also give us the tools to calm our minds and bodies when challenges and barriers inevitably arise”.