A Musical Cure


By Sagarika Srinivasan

Published 03/02/21

Credit Google Images.

While the COVID-19 vaccines are still being distributed and social distancing is being continued, people have felt more isolated than ever. How are people coping with all the uncertainty and fear of the pandemic? Music.

Music is universal, there is no culture on earth without it. With this in mind, it may seem unsurprising that 81% of Americans have reported that music has helped them cope with the pandemic situation. Music has been shown to lower stress and anxiety levels because dopamine and other “feel good” chemicals are released in the brain. Depending on the music, it can boost your mood or promote a meditative state.

Music is a transcendent language. It was used initially by our species as an activity that promoted social bonding. Music is now present at important life events, helping people make connections with others. This is why many people are connecting remotely. Having music to know that we are not alone is one of the things that helps move us forward. For those who need professional help, music therapy has also been shown to be a viable option. So, if you feel like everything is hopeless, turn on your favorite song and sing along or dance to the beat. Everything may seem just a little bit brighter.