CoVid-19 crisis update


By Callie Fritz, 2020

Published 3/12/20

Photo courtesy of Google Images.

4,000. This figure isn’t just a simple number, it is the amount of people that have died of the deadly and dangerous COVID-19, coronavirus, as of March 10 2020. The virus has spread to Romania, California, Germany, and Italy. Things have reached such a fever pitch that the US government is now involved. Late Wednesday evening, President Donald Trump announced that Vice President Pence would lead a Coronavirus task force, focused explicitly on stopping the spread of this rapidly growing and dangerous virus.

A Twitter clip went viral last weekend of a man who was released from a coronavirus quarantine being interviewed on Fox News. He hacked and coughed throughout the entire program, a hallmark of coronavirus. Many were concerned by this interview, seeing the symptoms of coronavirus with their very own eyes. If the people who have exited quarantine haven’t been fully cured, what does that say about not only our broken medical system but the future of this virus?

As long as you wash your hands vigorously (the length of two happy birthday tunes) and sanitize them thoroughly, your risk of getting the coronavirus is low. Take a deep breath, and remember: everything is going to be okay.