"Don't Say Gay" Bill passes flordias Senate

Current Events

By Lily Date, 2023

Published 3/15/22

Protests at Tampa Bay. Photo Courtesy of Google Images.

Florida’s House and Senate have recently passed a bill that would bar LGBTQ+ discussions in schools. The bill, passed on Tuesday, bars school districts from encouraging classroom discussion about sexual orientation or gender identity, and was proposed by Republican State Senator Dennis Baxley. The bill would also apply to student counseling and would require school district personnel to give parents all information related to a student's "mental, emotional or physical health or well-being," unless the disclosure would lead to abuse. Parents would be able to sue districts that do not follow these requirements. According to its text, the goal of this bill is to "reinforce the fundamental right of parents to make decisions regarding the upbringing and control of their children." If the bill is signed into law, it would go into effect on July 1st.

Though officially named the “Parental Rights in Education” bill, the bill has commonly been referred to as the “Don’t Say Gay” bill by critics. Many of these critics believe that the bill could cause detrimental effects to elementary children by preventing open discussions about sexual orientation and gender, as well as mental and social developments.

The Trevor Project's survey of LGBTQ Youth Mental Health in 2021 showed that in the past year 42% of LGBTQ youth considered attempting suicide. Critics say that, by passing this bill, lawmakers are allowing the stigmatization of gender identity and sexual orientation in a group that is already often denied a support system, and that it sends a message to students that being LGBTQ+ is something to hide. They also say that it could prevent students from talking about people in their family that are LGBTQ+, such as their parents.

Students in Florida have been protesting the bill through walkouts and peaceful protests. Some traveled to Tallahassee to join a protest in front of the capitol, chanting "we say gay". If you want to help, organizations like Equality Florida advocate for full equality of LGBTQ+ Floridians and can always use donations.