The College of Saint Rose Forced to Close

Current Events

By Kate Hangen, 2024

Published 12/11/2023

Image courtesy of Google Images

The College of Saint Rose, a private Roman Catholic school in Albany, NY, suddenly announced earlier this month that they would be shutting down, leaving thousands of students without a school to go to next year. Why did the College of Saint Rose have to close their doors? What does the future hold for these students?    

In a news release issued Friday, December 1st, the chair of the Board of Trustees, Jeffery D. Stone credited the sudden closure of the school to financial issues. “The college does not have the financial resources to operate for the full 2024-2025 academic year and therefore cannot remain a standalone institution.”, he stated. These issues could be attributed to the recent COVID-19 pandemic and enrollment decline. 

While the announcement of the closure seemed sudden, the College of Saint Rose has been dealing with financial problems for more than a decade. It was reported in 2011 that the college was experiencing a significant drop in enrollment. According to the Department of Education’s Integrated Post Secondary Education Data System, enrollment decreased exponentially from 4,500 students in 2013 to 2,800 students this year. As enrollment dropped, so did the amount of faculty positions and academic programs that the college could support. Eventually, the financial crisis was so severe that the college asked state and local officials for millions of dollars in a last-ditch effort to stay open. However, this deal was never finalized, and the College of Saint Rose was forced to close its doors. 

So what is the next step for students? The College of Saint Rose is currently creating a teach out-plan, which is a formal plan that ensures students are treated fairly while finishing their academic year. Additionally, the college is trying to find transfer options for students. It was reported that the College of Saint Rose was working out an agreement with the University of Albany so students would have a place to go once the college is shut down, but nothing has been finalized yet.