Winter the Dolphin Dies Age 16

Current Events

By Ella Paul, 2024

Published 11/22/21

Winter The Dolphin. Photo courtesy of Google Images.

Winter the dolphin, star of the Dolphin Tale movie series passed away November 11, 2021 at sixteen years old. She died surrounded by her caretakers and supporters as a result of a gastrointestinal abnormality.

Winter served as an inspiration to people around the world once they learned of her story through the Dolphin Tale movies. Back in 2005, Winter’s tale got caught in a crab trap, and she washed up on the shore as was soon found by a teenager on his way home from summer school. She was rushed to Clearwater Marine Aquarium (CMA), a marine animal rescue and rehabilitation center, where attentive staff rushed to care for Winter. They, unfortunately, were not able to save her tale and it had to be amputated. Winter adapted and found a new way of swimming, but it was soon discovered that it was damaging her spine. In an effort to avoid spinal damage, CMA approached a prosthetic designer who, though doubtful at first, created a prosthetic tail for Winter.

Winter’s whole story spread worldwide, inspiring everyone who heard. People flocked to CMA to visit her and her heroic caretakers. She was especially motivating to people who were also amputees that wore prosthetics, including many war veterans who came to visit her. Winter was the topic of two sensational and widespread movies, many books, and countless social media channels.

There are memorials being held in her honor at CMA. Though Winter’s life may have been short, she touched millions of lives and her story will live on through those who have been encouraged and motivated by her perseverance.