Brandeis University Review

college and career

By Maya Katsovich, 2024

Published 5/1/23

Many juniors are in the midst of starting their college search process and spring break provided students with the opportunity to visit schools. So many schools, so many aspects to consider, so many things to do— but where to start? Brandeis University is one of the first schools that I toured. This article will feature some highlights of what I learned about it.

Founded in 1948 by the American Jewish community to create a diverse and non-discriminatory college environment, Brandeis University is a private university located in Waltham, Massachusetts. For students interested in academically enriching programs as well as cultural and artistic opportunities on campus, this might be a great choice to consider.

The university spans 235 acres, being small enough to not feel overwhelmed by the size, but large enough that there always seems to be something to do or somewhere to go. Brandeis’ programs include 44 majors and over 50 minors to choose from. In addition to classes on campus, Brandeis offers study abroad, internship, and research opportunities, being the second smallest school receiving R01 grants. Speaking with students during the tour, it is clear that they are able to form meaningful connections with their professors and gain support in the research or project they want to pursue.

Outside of academics, Brandeis offers multitudes of clubs and organizations to get involved in. Whether you want to join an a cappella group, a culinary club, a religious center, or even make your own club, there is something for everyone. They also offer Division 3, club, and intramural sports (a more casual option). Brandeis has many cultural events and organizations as well. Being founded on the basis of inclusion and diversity, Brandeis not only has a Hillel for the Jewish members on campus, but also other religiously affiliated and cultural organizations for students of all backgrounds. 

Campus life at Brandeis seems to always be lively! With flyers posted about upcoming performances, sports games, new clubs, and more, there is always something to get involved in. Although the campus has just one dining hall, it also includes two food courts, as well as cafes and other “grab and go” options throughout campus, making finding a meal easy for students throughout the day. Having eaten at the dining hall myself, I can say that it was very enjoyable, with a variety of options to choose from— and the students agree. 

With so many university options available to learn about, it is important to figure out what suits your interests and strengths best. Brandeis University is just one school that I found featuring many of my passions and an environment that I could see myself in in the future!