Umass amherst campus review

college and career

By Ella Paul, 2024

Published 4/28/23

In the stressful times of the college search process, it can be difficult to tell what it is you truly want for your future, and if you are anything like me, you have no idea what you want. Every school I see or career idea I have makes me change my mind practically weekly, and nothing has really stuck yet. It seems to be that there are so many things I am interested in and so many different campus/college paths I want to take and I can’t choose which one. This campus review of UMass Amherst is coming in the form of advice: don’t get too focused on what you think you want, because you may be turning your back to opportunities that surprise you. 

So whether you think you like the idea of a big campus in a rural area or you think you have your heart set on city life, UMass Amherst could be the place for you whether you know it or not. Home to over 25,000 undergraduate students on the 1,450 acre campus, UMass Amherst truly has something for everyone through their academic, athletic, and extracurricular activities. 

UMass offers over 100 undergraduate majors within nine colleges (education, engineering, humanities and fine arts, information and computer science, natural sciences, nursing, social and behavioral sciences, public health and health sciences, and agriculture). There is also the Isenberg School of Management and the Commonwealth Honors College, both with additional student opportunities. If you cannot find a major that appeals to you, you can apply to a “college” and participate in the Bachelor's Degree with Individual Concentration (BDIC) program and create your own major. They also offer the opportunity to take classes at four other universities in the area and there is free transportation provided. Their study abroad programs are also impressive as they offer the opportunity to travel to most US States and a significant number of countries. 

The campus has a mix of modern buildings and traditional architecture. There are four residential areas on campus as well as a UMass hotel, a Student Union, and the famous W. E. B. Du Bois Library. Some areas are more concentrated than others and you can choose which area you wish to reside in. Additionally, UMass Amherst has been ranked #1 in Campus dining food for six years in a row. There are traditional campus dining halls and there are also 52 on-campus restaurants and cafes. 

Despite being a large school, the atmosphere was clearly very special and provided opportunities for all students to come together and feel like a part of the community. Even if you don’t imagine yourself in a rural area or at a big school, UMass Amherst is worth checking out: