Tips and Tricks for Applying for Scholarships

college and career

By Lucia Tellerico, 2027

Published 4/1/2024

Photo Courtesy of The College Pod

The majority of college scholarship applications are due in the spring, and there are so many scholarships, big and small, sometimes making the process feel overwhelming. However, even the smallest of scholarships can help lower the overall cost of higher education, and as a senior, if you haven’t started looking into them, now is the time to get started. 

The first tip when trying to figure out scholarship applications is to research which scholarships you are eligible for. Start by considering all the clubs and organizations you belong to here at Cheshire High School. Keep in mind the clubs that your relatives are in as well, because occasionally they have scholarships available to the relatives of club members. Furthermore, if you’ve chosen your college already, look into specific scholarships that might apply to your chosen major. Just remember that even smaller scholarships can add up. Most people focus on the large scholarships that are worth thousands of dollars. However, the pool of candidates for larger scholarships is also larger. Meanwhile, smaller scholarships, which may add up over time, can provide assistance to help pay for learning materials and classes. 

When applying for scholarships, remember that documentation is often needed. Make sure you have everything you need before applying. This may include official transcripts that come directly from the school records office, or an unofficial list of classes and grades. If letters of recommendation are needed, talk to your teachers and other community leaders as soon as possible, if you haven’t already done so. Just remember that the requirements of documentation will be different for every scholarship, so make sure you read the requirements carefully to make sure that you submit the proper documents. 

You may also be asked to submit a personal essay when applying for a scholarship. You likely practiced writing these essays when you filled out your college applications. However, some tips when writing these essays are to follow all directions provided, keep the word count at their limit, and make sure to fully answer the question or writing prompt. 

Another tip to remember while filling out your application is to sing your praises. You have worked hard to get to where you are today, so don’t be afraid to share that in your application. Those who are reviewing applications are trying to get to know you as quickly as possible. Shine that spotlight on yourself. 

However, please remember that all due dates are set in stone. There are no extensions provided, so be mindful of when each scholarship is due so that you have plenty of time to get them submitted. One great way to organize all of this is to set up a calendar or planner, whether it’s in an app or on paper, with all of your scholarship due dates so you have plenty of time to prepare for each one. 

Furthermore, the Cheshire High School’s website has more information on the 2023-24 scholarships under the “College/ Career Center” page. Not only does this list dozens of scholarships available for Cheshire students, but it also gives scholarship eligibility and guidelines. For more information, the link to the website will be at the bottom of the article for your convenience. 

No matter what, there is always a reason to try and apply for a scholarship. You will never win a scholarship if you don’t apply, so don’t be afraid to apply to as many as you want to improve your overall chances of winning one. Good luck to everyone applying, and I hope these tips help you win your scholarship!

Link to the College and Career Center Webpage: College/Career Center - Cheshire Public Schools | Excellence In Education