The Great Resignation

College and Career

By Lilly Rosier, 2023

Published 10/21/21

Image Courtesy of Google Images.

Within the last two years, numbers in labor and employment have dramatically changed. This has led to what is now known as ‘The Great Resignation.’ The most frequent rate drops are in technology and healthcare according to Stephanie Vozza, Fast Company writer. Fingers are being pointed at Generation Z because everyday casual jobs are not being filled.

There have been a couple of different leading ideas on why this is occurring; one being burnout. After being stuck at home for so long, many are not wanting to get back in the swing of things from a lack of motivation. Minimal childcare opportunities are available as well, leaving parents and guardians not sure what to do with their children when working.

People are finding the wages to be too low, especially in this economy with prices of just about everything rising. Some have managed to gain more money through government support than working. Another breaking point is at the start of September 2021 many COVID-19 vaccine requirements have been placed. These have affected mostly workers in municipal positions, and in order to remain employed, public school teachers, bus drivers, and healthcare workers need to be vaccinated or get frequently tested. It does differ per state, but overall vaccine mandates are seeming to be more and more like the normal.