
Physics is the study of the fundamental behavior of nature, from the very small to the very large.

Physics is fun!

English name: Erik Jensen (he)

Русское имя: Игорь Иванович (он)

Deutscher Name: Erik (er)

Nombre español: Pancho (él)


Office: Building 8, Room 221E,  Chemeketa Community College, 4000 Lancaster Dr. NE, Salem, OR 97309, USA

Office Hours Spring 2024: TR 9-10 am (in my office), TW 1-4 pm (in my office), and W 9-11:30 am (in building 8, room 222)
During these hours I am available for immediate support in-person or on Slack. I am also available by appointment on Zoom.


I teach the following courses in a variety of formats (the links take you to the most recent syllabus):

For more  about my professional work, see my CV or my "Member Spotlight" for the American Association of Physics Teachers. For information on PH211-PH213 (calculus-based physics), see my colleague Herbert Grotewohl's website.


Here is what some students said about me on

Why Study Physics?

You might take a physics class for one of these reasons:

When I am Not Teaching Physics...

I enjoy my family, reading, travel, running, lifting, obstacle course races, pickleball, and watching sports (particularly in person).

"Pain is weakness leaving the body."

-Saying of the United States Marine Corps