
General Physics
Syllabus: Introduction


Welcome to PH202 at Chemeketa Community College for winter term 2024. This website will orient you to your class and function as a contract between you and me. I look forward to being your instructor.

Physics is the study of the fundamental behavior of nature, from the very large to the very small. Physics is fun!

Course Information

Title:  General Physics    Credits: 4
Description: Offers the second term of a three-term sequence of introductory algebra-based college physics. Includes fluids, oscillations, waves, thermodynamics, and electricity.
Prerequisite:  PH201 or equivalent with a grade of C or better
Text: College Physics; Knight, Jones, and Field; Pearson Addison Wesley, any edition (ISBN 978-0805306347, 978-0805390629, or 978-0321595492)
CRN: 58352

Instructor Information

Name: Erik Jensen (please call me Erik or he/they)
Office: building 8, room 221E, 4000 Lancaster Dr. NE, Salem, OR, 97305
Email: (see communication expectations)
Phone: 503.589.7838
Office:  Building 8, room 221E
Office Hours: MW 9-11:30 am (in building 8, room 222), W 4-5 pm (in my office), TR 9-10 am and 3-4 pm (in my office)

During the above hours I am available in my office and on Slack. I am also available by appointment on Zoom.

Goal and Methods

My primary goals for my students are the following:

To achieve these goals, I lead my classes based on evidence of what helps students learn:
