WIN Period Enrichment

During the school closure, students who were part of a SYNC or Young Playwrights enrichment group during the school year can continue their experience at home. See the iLab@HOME page for details.

Mr. Aungst is offering a variety of interest-based enrichment activities during WIN period. Each of these is available to students on a rotating basis in grades 3 and 4 based on interest. Though we cannot accommodate all students in a grade at once, we hope that over the course of the school year, most students will be able to experience one or more of these engaging activities.

We are excited to be starting another year of Young Playwrights at Cheltenham ES. All 3rd and 4th grade students will have the opportunity to sign up for a chance to participate in this writing enrichment program. We anticipate a huge response to this, so we will most likely hold a lottery to select the students to be part of this year’s group. For more information, check out the Playwrights page of our website.

Coding and Robotics

2nd and 3rd grade students have the opportunity to begin learning basic coding and robotics skills. Using activities like and Bloxels, students will begin learning how to write computer code. Then they will learn how to use that code to control simple robots like Ozobots, Spheros, or Dash and Dot.

You can see some of the coding projects from previous students on our Maker Hour Coding page.

FLL Robotics Team

Fourth graders who want to continue their study of robotics can join our FIRST Lego League Robotics Team which competes in a regional league each December. Students meet during the school day to build a Lego robot designed to solve specific challenges that change from year to year. The team brings their robot and their expertise to the competition to challenge teams from other schools.

This is the first stage in a multi-year path that students can take learning robotics in Cheltenham. Teams at Elkins Park, Cedarbrook, and CHS also participate in FIRST competitions. Students can also take robotics classes at the middle and high school.

You can learn more about FIRST Lego League and the higher level competitions at the FIRST website.