Important Fitness Information

Here are some basics to get started on your lifelong journey of staying healthy through exercise!

FITT Principle is a simple set of guidelines that help set up a workout routine to fit your goals and fitness level while helping you get the most out of your exercise program. The four parts work together for a comprehensive workout plan.

The acronym FITT stands for:

*Frequency is how often a person performs the targeted health-related physical activity.

For each component of health-related fitness, a safe frequency is 3-5 times a week.

*Intensity is how hard a person exercises during a physical activity period.

Example: monitoring heart rate is one way to gauge intensity during aerobic endurance activities.

*Type refers to the specific physical activity chosen to improve a component of health-related fitness.

Example: to increase aerobic endurance jog, run, swim or perform some other aerobically challenging activity.

*Time is the length of the physical activity.

Example: To improve cardiorespiratory endurance, aerobic activity should be 20-60 minutes while maintaining a heart rate within the target heart rate zone.


Aerobic exercise is constant work over long periods of time (20-60 minutes) that uses up oxygen at a rate in which the cardio respiratory system can replenish oxygen in the working muscles. Examples: jogging, bike riding. swimming, walking

Anaerobic exercise is short burst of activity (usually less than 2 minutes in duration) which does not use oxygen in the working muscles. Examples: sprinting, weight training