Restorative Practices
The Cheektowaga-Sloan School District is committed to building a strong, positive, and supportive school community by embracing the philosophy and process of Restorative Practices at every level across the district. It is our belief that this approach will build and enhance relationships between:
Student <-->Student
Student <--> School Personnel
Schools <--> Families
Schools <--> Greater Community
Beginning in 2018, the District collaborated with the Erie County Restorative Justice Coalition to train all District personnel in Restorative Practices. It is our intention to apply Restorative Practices to procedures and practice across all grades, Prekindergarten through Grade 12.
Restorative Practice is an emerging area of study and collection of actions focused on finding respectful and effective ways to build community, build and restore relationships, and/or to repair harm. The basic premise is that when individuals feel part of a supportive community, they are more likely to behave in a respectful manner and hold themselves accountable to that community.
According to the International Institute for Restorative Practices, the fundamental hypothesis of restorative practice is this…
“Human beings are happier, more cooperative and productive, and more likely to make positive changes in their behavior when those in positions of authority do things with them (restorative), rather than to them (punitive) or for them (permissive).”
In schools, the use of Restorative Practices can help build a positive school climate by strengthening social-emotional skills, improving relationships, and giving students a voice. This is accomplished through the use of circles, restorative approaches to conflict, and other proactive community building activities. These practices, in turn, increase feelings of belonging and community, and decrease violence and bullying. Through the use of Restorative Practices in our schools, it is the goal of our District to continue to build a community in which students, families, and district personnel feel safe, valued, and connected.