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In this page, you get the additional resources you need to learn throughout the Digital Technologies cycle. Please remember to update your e-portfolio on what you have learnt each step of the way! Proud of you that you have arrived here! Click to read the collapsible text under each heading.

  1. More website resources

More websites resources:

  1. Quick 10 minutes video if you don't want to learn through the 7 steps in the home page. Click here > YouTube video This youtube video is so easy to follow and you can be the expert after a 10 minute watch. Try it!

  2. Evaluation of your website - Click here > Evaluation Details to get more specific help on how to evaluate your own website or your friend's website.

  3. Ready for marking? Click here > Checklist for your website.

2. Binary

  1. Binary - Watch this Computer Science Basics to understand that digital devices store data using two states represented by binary digits (Bits). Write a short paragraph to explain in your own words what you have learnt.

  2. Extension: Click here for the video > Introduction to Binary Numbers. Now write out in Binary your age, number of persons in your family and how many days there are in a month.

3. What are input and output devices?

  1. Click here > Input and Output and here > Input/Output/Storage. Now insert a text box called with this heading : Input / Output / Storage to write a list of input, output and storage devices that you know and have learnt on your website. If your teacher plays a Kahoot with you, add more into this text box! Storage YouTube

Types of Memory Storage Devices (Advanced)

  1. Click here > Processor and write at least four sentences on what you have learnt about the processor which is an essential part of a computer. Of course, add more after learning through Kahoot quizzes as well.

  2. After watching these videos, you should be able to explain the input-process-output-storage (IPOS) . Another common word for storage is memory. Remember to add a pictorial presentation to support your understanding. The two videos are here: Click here > 2.5 minutes video on IPOS or Click here > 4 minutes video on How Computers Work. Good video with quiz at the end

  3. Extension : Ready to test your own knowledge on computers? Click here and make a copy of the quiz - Computer Quiz. Remember to include this in your e-portfolio and email your teacher.

4. algorithm

  1. Watch this video > What is an Algorithm? Write a short paragraph to explain in your own words what you have learnt on your website. The heading is Algorithm.

  2. Watch this video > The Prison Break - Think Like a Code animation and think about these questions:

      • How many ways or "codes" that the robot companion could have tried turning the key to help Ethic to get out of prison.

      • What was the most efficient code and why?

      • Is there only one algorithm to solve a problem.

Under the same heading of Algorithm on your webpage on Digital Technologies, share your answers to the above questions.


  1. Click here for Introduction to Micro: Bit. In your website, create a button to link to your "Microbit Log" google doc. Make sure that your google doc is shared with your teacher. Not sure what to do? Click here > How to share my files on website?

  2. First E-Pet Project - This google slide presentation may just help you with some ideas to get started.

  3. Start creating a decomposition plan or breaking down the things you like to code for your E-pet project in your team. Decomposition Plan Exemplar Watch this tik tok video to understand what is Decomposition by looking at it from Drawing an Elephant.

  4. Click here > How to make a virtual pet? Watch this video and make notes using these questions to guide you to your Advanced E-pet project after you have completed your first E-pet project based on your teacher's guidelines. Make sure you track your progress on your "Micro bit Log".

  5. Are you ready to start a project? What is your project? Why do you want to create your project? Who is your target users or audience for your project? With permission from your teacher, you can do a combined project with another student in class. Remember to add screenshots in your "Microbit log" so that you provide evidence of your learning.

  6. Extension: Click here > to watch What is an LED? Make a copy of this LED worksheet and save in your folder and share the link to this worksheet on your website. Make sure that your google doc is shared with your teacher. Click here > How to share my files on website? if you forgot how to share and link your google doc to your website using a button.

6. Human Computer Interface

  1. HCI Video < Click here. When you design anything on a computer, the human factor is something of an afterthought. Agree or disagree.

In your website, type your views on HCI. You may relate HCI to what you have created in Digital Technologies or your views on HCI before and after watching the video.

  1. Click here > Video about Paro for the ultimate e-pet robot called Paro whose target audience are older people. Paro is the robotic therapy seal that revolutionise elderly care. In what ways, do you think Paro designers have taken care of HCI? Add your views under the same heading HCI.

  2. Try this 2 minutes video if the above does not work: HCI University of Auckland

  3. Other HCI YouTube: Website HCI (only 3 minutes) 10 Heurestics (3 minutes) - Very Good!


  1. Click here > CS Basics - File Types and click on this quiz to learn more.

to learn about File Types.

  • Tip: Show your score to your teacher when you are done.

  • Better Tip: Add some file types on your webpage :Digital Technologies to provide clear evidence of your learning!

8. Others

  1. https://meetedison.com/edison-robot-support/edison-robot-videos/ - Robotics

  2. What is Machine Learning? Click here > What is Machine Learning?

  3. Complete this google form to help your teachers in the Technology Centre make your learning more fruitful and enjoyable.

9. Computational thinking test

  1. You can attempt this test as many times as you like to learn. The idea is to learn. Once you get all correct, ensure you the feedback to your teacher so that this is recognised in your report to your parents. Thanks.