Edison Robot

How to connect your edison? (2 mINUTES ONLY)

Steps to connect for Mac Mini in Tech 2:

UNderstand edscratch 

5 minutes

ready to drive edison

13.2 minutes - longer video but you become an expert driver after this with lights and sounds.  Ready for the challenge?

Talk to teacher now as you are now ready for your first creative project.


12.43 minutes - longer video but you become an expert coder as well after this.  Can you do it?

Conditional input

12.03 minutes - Wait Until, If statement and sensors.  You are advanced coder if you have learnt how to use these blocks.

variables and calculations

7.20 minutes - Make sure you talk to your teacher before starting this video to explain what you have created in Edison thus far.

What is a robot?

4 minutes - Cute video so you know what is a robot?

Ready to make your own program 

Edison Short Film - Prom.mp4

show & tell time!

Don't worry if you are shine.  See what a group of girls did for the show and tell.

Trouble shooting guide

1. Check robot headphone jack is plugged into Mac Mini.

2. Check that the output setting is correct in the sound settings. You should have the output set to External Headphones - Headphone Port

3. Check that the volume of the headphone port is turned up to full. This setting will be at the bottom of the sound output page and labeled as "Output Volume"

4. Check that the "Balance" just below the volume is at the centre of the page.


drawing project

Use loops to create your first drawing using Edision

Watch this inspiration video

(Clue: Turn the robot after each movement to create your pattern)

More advanced project

Watch this!