
Where can I find awesome summer reads!?

Screenshot: Russell, L. (2024). YALSA Announces Finalists for 2024 Award for Excellence in NonfictionRetrieved from https://www.slj.com/story/YALSA-Announces-Finalists-for-2024-Award-for-Excellence-in-Nonfiction.
Screenshot: Russell, L. (2022). Sora Icon in Clever. Retrieved from https://clever.com/in/charleston/teacher/homeroom/my-pages

Charleston County Public Library's Summer Reading Program

Programa de lectura de verano de la biblioteca pública del condado de Charleston 

Where can I find a good print or audio book?

Screenshot: Russell, L. (2022). Academic Magnet/School of the Arts Destiny Discover Library. Retrieved from https://search.follettsoftware.com/metasearch/ui/58494.
Screenshot: Russell, L. (2022). Sora Icon in Clever. Retrieved from https://clever.com/in/charleston/teacher/homeroom/my-pages

Screenshot: Russell, L. (2022). Screenshot of ALA's Teens' Top Ten website. Retrieved from https://www.ala.org/yalsa/teenstopten

Screenshot: Russell, L. (2022). Screenshot of YALSA's Teen Book Finder website. Retrieved from http://booklists.yalsa.net/


To look for books in Magnet's online catalog, Charleston County Public Library, or one of our databases, you must first be logged into Clever. To do this, go to https://Clever.com/in/charleston and enter your username and password.  For a list of all CCSD's digital content click here.

What are some highly recommended books?

State Award Winners: Each year members of the South Carolina Association of School Librarians (SCASL) nominates twenty books for young adults that they consider the best of that year. You can't go wrong picking one of these fantastic reads!

National Award Winners: Below you will find the list of winning titles for three national awards from YALSA (the Young Adult Library Services Association, a division of ALA). They are: the Michael L. Printz Award, Nonfiction Award Winners, and Alex Award winners.

According to YALSA, "the Alex Awards are given to ten books written for adults that have special appeal to young adults."

Screenshot: Russell, L. (2022). Screenshot of the YALSA's Alex award winners for 2022. Retrieved from https://www.ala.org/yalsa/alex-awards

The Michael L. Printz Award winners are those books that are deemed the best written and most literary of YA books in a given year. 

Screenshot: Russell, L. (2022). Screenshot of YALSA's Michael L. Printz award winners. Retrieved from https://www.ala.org/yalsa/printz

YALSA honors one nonfiction book a year for excellence. 

Screenshot: Russell, L. (2022). Screenshot of YALSA's 2022 Nonfiction Award Winner. Retrieved from https://www.ala.org/yalsa/nonfiction-award

Where can I find resources to support my research?

Screenshot: Russell, L. (2022). Screenshot of SC Discus website retrieved from https://www.scdiscus.org

Where can I find technology support?