Grade 12

Incoming seniors are asked to build your digital portfolio. This summer and fall are critical to your post-high school transition. Creating a profile that defines your values, strengths and goals is an important part of marketing your skills to the organizations, schools and employers you are targeting. How can you separate yourself from The Herd?

Present your virtual resume to your advisory in September by utilizing ONE of the following formats:

1) Create a video trailer that showcases your personal and professional strengths.

2) Create a website that features the various activities, accolades, professional and personal strengths to prospective organizations, schools or employers you are targeting. You could easily transform the Summer Study Site into a Virtual Resume, complete with audio, video and written evidence of your skills, along with testimonials from adults and classmates who can speak to your strengths.

3) Create a blog that features the various activities, accolades, professional and personal strengths to prospective organizations, schools or employers you are targeting. Your blog, it's links and posts can serve as a Virtual Resume, complete with audio, video and written evidence of your skills, along with testimonials from adults and classmates who can speak to your strengths.

4) Create a Linkedin Account to build a professional profile with their template, and begin networking with community members and professionals who can support your pursuit of a profession. (Parent consent and review of the privacy policy/video linked in resources below)

Click HERE for resources to help you complete these tasks