8th Grade Science

Central to our Science instructional program is a commitment to the belief that all of our students deserve an equitable, engaging and rigorous Science experience.  Shifting Living Environment to 8th grade allows students access to fulfilling the NYS requirements for Life Science while in middle school, allows for opportunities for an engaging and choice-based 9th grade Science program and for a personalized pathway through our Science core subjects at the high school level.  Providing our students with this opportunity will allow them to explore our Science programming based on their passions and interests, while still fulfilling the requirements in the college admissions process. 

Communications & Events

Parent Webinar Recording

Slidedeck from the Webinar 

Parent Webinar - Regents LE to 8th Grade - BOE Presentation - 11/30/22

Science & Engineering Practices

Structure & Function

Matter & Energy in Organisms & Ecosystems

Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems

Inheritance & Variation in Traits

Natural Selection & Evolution