Social Studies

Week 3 Lesson 1: TEKS 8.4D The Great Compromise

I can analyze the Great Compromise.

  1. Create a copy of the Thinking Map over the Great Compromise in your own notebook.

  2. Watch “The Great Compromise Explained” video from Hip Hughes and fill in the blanks as it plays.

  1. Use the thinking map to assist in answering the Google form questions over the Great Compromise. (graded)

  2. Complete the practice in IXL for lesson L.2. You are working to have a Smart Score of 80 on the lesson. (graded)

Wk3 L1 Grade 8 The Great Compromise Explained in 5 Minutes- US History Review.mp4

Instructional Video

Wk3 L1 Grade 8 Great Compromise Notes

Notes Page

The Constitution: Structures and Principles

8th Social Studies Lesson: L.2

Click on the IXL logo to go to the Chapel Hill login page

Week 3 Lesson 2: TEKS 8.4D The Three-Fifths Compromise

I can analyze the Three-Fifths Compromise.

  1. Create and copy the Tree map (print it or draw it on paper).

  2. Watch the video “3_5 Compromise” and fill in the tree map you created and copied.

  1. Use your Tree Map to answer the questions in the Google Form “Compromise.” (graded)

Wk3 L2 Grade 8 3_5 Compromise - YouTube (360p).mp4

Instructional Video

Wk3 L2 Grade 8 Three Fifths Compromise

Notes Page