

  • Physicians who have completed emergency medicine residency in the US.
  • Experience or interest in addressing and improving the health needs of minority, disadvantaged and vulnerable populations as well as in advancing system change in ways that improve the health for all populations, but with particular emphasis on vulnerable populations.
  • Strong evidence of leadership experience or potential, especially as related to community efforts, quality improvement, transformation of health care delivery systems, and/or health policy.
  • Intention to pursue a career in policy, public service, and/or academia.
  • U.S. citizenship or U.S. permanent residency.

For additional details about applying to the Fellowship, click here

MPH Application

Acceptance to this full-time fellowship is contingent upon admission to the Master of Public Health (MPH) degree program at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Applicants must choose the MPH 45-credit program in either the Health Management or Health Policy Field of Study.