Weekly Message - May 18

Good afternoon,

This is our last week of school!! This week your task is to take me everywhere with you and color in as many squares as you can. You can upload your pictures to class dojo to share with me if you’d like. I hope you have fun with it J

Tuesday-we will zoom to play bingo. In your packet was a bingo card and pictures. Make you own bingo card by Tuesday at 11:00am, when we zoom to play. You need to have some cereal pieces or beans to use as chips to cover your card. I will be keeping track of winners and putting prizes in your pickup bags with your classroom items.

Thursday-we will zoom to do class awards. I am going to do this at 6:00 pm, in case any working parents want to see. You will receive a link to vote for your classmates on which superlative you think fits them by tomorrow.

*Classroom items pickup will be next Tuesday the 26th in the afternoon. We are still hammering out the details for times and I will let you know more specifics at some point this week. There will also be school-wide awards like in the past at some point and I will get you that information once I have it.

* I will send both Zoom links for this week tomorrow in one email along with the link to vote for your classmates for classroom awards.

Have a great rest of your weekend!!

Leslie Long, MSA

3rd Grade CGS

Weekly Message - May 11

Good morning!

This is our last full week of distance learning! Home stretch everyone and you can do this!! Everything you need from me this week was sent home with the last packet pickup. This week is Human Body Systems Week! You will be learning about the skeletal and muscular system and the importance of your skin. You will be using Brainpop to watch videos about all 3 of these and then doing an experiment to show you how these systems work in your hand! This is also the last week of Wordly Wise and cursive writing. Friday I will post a fun game for you to play as an option but will also be used as a catch up day as we would like to have all the work from the past 5 weeks turned in by then. If you are unable to upload to Class Dojo, you may turn it in to the school and we can get it from there.

Easy week! Next week will be fun! We will keep you posted. Thank you for working hard and keeping it up!

Have a GREAT week,

Leslie Long, MSA

3rd Grade CGS

Weekly Message - May 4

Good afternoon!

I hope everyone had a great weekend! We are in the home stretch!! Two more weeks and then a half week of fun coming to round out the year!

This week we will wrap up our chick week and review some reading standards with two passages, vocabulary with Wordly Wise and cursive. Easy week. Remember if it is taking you more than 5 hours in a week to complete the week’s work, I want to know and we will cut some things. Don’t forget to upload your completed work to Class Dojo so I can provide feedback on it.

Tuesday’s zoom at 7 is for everyone to attend!! It is bring something you have created since we’ve been out week. It can be anything you’ve created-art, a garden, lego something, etc.

If you need anything from me, please don’t hesitate to email me. Keep on rocking! We are in the home stretch!! I am PROUD of you. Parents AND children. One thing I ask this week…if there are tears from anyone on a particular day…walk away for the day. Take a walk, sit outside, de-stress in a way that suits you. Try again the next day. No tears, no stress. Happy parents=Happy children.

Have a GREAT night!!

Leslie Long, MSA

3rd Grade CGS

Weekly Message - April 26

Good evening parents!

I hope everyone had a great weekend! Attached you will find your calendar for the upcoming 3 weeks. There will be a hard copy of this with your packet pickup tomorrow. Please see my Friday email for information on pickup time and location information. This will be our long awaited chick week!! You will be doing a virtual experiment with hatching chicks that we were supposed to do in class, but Parker has graciously accepted my request to carry this on virtually, and he videoed the experience for you in stages. In your pickup packet will be a chick journal where you will log you reflections based on the videos you watch! The other assignments this week are also laid out for you with the location of these items. Most of these are found in your reading and Wordly Wise books with the exception of one assignment that is located in your reading folder that I handed out the last day we were together. I will again this week post an assignment title for these in Class Dojo for you to upload to. There are some materials in a small baggie that you need to hold onto for week 3 for a skeletal/muscle experiment as we study the human body! So keep those in a safe place!

Thank you for uploading your things this week into my posted assignments, as that makes it much easier for me to check and give you feedback on rather than posting to your portfolio. We will continue cursive with Mrs. Brown this week, but you do not need to upload these pages yet. Please also continue to do the daily challenge questions each day for your daily attendance. If you have not uploaded all of your assignments yet, please try and do that this week for anything prior to tomorrow. If you are unable to upload to Class Dojo, you can always take pictures or a video of them and attach it to an email to me!

I am proud of your hard work during the past two weeks and I just know you are going to continue to show me how smart you are and what hard workers you are, even from home for these next 3 weeks. This is really helping round out your 3rd grade year and prepare you even more for next year! Thank you for your hard work, dedication and patience when things are not perfect. We are in this together and together we grow and strive!!!

Let’s make this another Grizzly GREAT week! Love and miss you all so much!!! Stay safe!

Weekly Message - April 19

Good morning!

As you read Mrs. Savage’s email yesterday, this also pertains to reading. The last thing we want to do is overload you with redundant information, or too much information/things to do. We are in this together. Many of you are juggling working from home, multiple kids at home with a lot of different schedules and maintaining family life. We get it.


*The attached calendar(which is also included in your packet to pick up) is flexible, which is why it is given to you two weeks at a time. Even though there is a day/date stamp, that does NOT mean it is due that day. This is to help keep you on track. Like Mrs. Savage said, the goal is to have everything from week 1 completed by Sunday of that week so you don’t get too far behind.

*Zoom for everyone to chat is Tue at 7pm, math help is Wed. at 7pm and reading help is Thur. at 7. The specific math and reading zoom calls are only for those who need help or have questions regarding the assignments for the week.

*Attendance is mandatory each day by 9pm. We are recording this through Class Dojo where they answer the daily question for math.

*I am integrating science and social studies with reading. The next two weeks is landforms as you will see. The following week will be an awesome lesson from Parker Lackey on the life cycle of chickens!

*My teaching videos will be posted on Class Dojo on the day listed on the calendar.

*If anyone needs one on one help, PLEASE reach out and we can make this happen. I have an iPhone and can facetime, or we can schedule a zoom call and meet that way. I am HERE!!!!

*Email me or message me in Class Dojo at ANY time with questions.

*If assignments are taking you more than 45 min for that specific daily activity, please let us know.

Mrs. Mehring’s Music Site for activities (including recorder stuff):


PE Link:


*Attached is a log if you want it for PE.

Take a deep breath! We are in this together and know that I am here for you. Enjoy your last day of break and we will see you tomorrow to begin this journey together!!

Weekly Message - April 12

Good afternoon parents!

We survived our first week of distance learning, and if it was anything like my week, it was a learning curve. I have learned many things from this past week. I did some major self-reflecting this weekend and the biggest takeaway was that my kids and YOURS mental health is of major importance right now. Not only have our lives drastically changed, but think of theirs! They may not be showing it, and acting as if being home is fine and cool but everything is different right now and somewhere deep inside it is affecting them, and us!! Last week began their first official week of distance learning and having an entirely different school life at home. I will be honest and say my week did not go well. It did not go as planned. It was hard and it didn’t work. I have to make some changes to make this house function. Many of you may be saying the exact same thing. That’s the beauty of life, and this though! We can make some changes. As teachers we do this daily and if we’re not, we’re not reflecting!! So now you are the teacher at home, make the changes you need this coming week for what makes sense for your family. So I found I cannot do my job and help my 7 and 5 year old all at the same time and give my 2 year old something non distracting to do (LOL). It didn’t work. We were all frustrated, I couldn’t be effective in any manner and I ended each day in a bad mood. That can’t go on for the next 4 weeks!! So if this is the same for you, back up and punt. Change what you need to change. I have a severely ADHD child who cannot focus for more than 10 min. It is taking us about 5 hours a day to do his “checklist”, because of constant need for refocus and I can’t sit next to him 24/7 while I answer emails and check Dojo and Zoom and his brothers running around certainly is not helping. So tomorrow, we start a new schedule. I will get him up first while the rest sleep and do his work. Then when the middle gets up he can do his because he can work in “chaos”. Then I will focus on my job as a teacher while they play. If your week went like mine, I encourage you to find a new way. The last thing we want is for these kids to only remember mom yelling at the end of all of us. If you don’t get to everything on the checklist and you need to walk away, walk away. It is an outline. Don’t be type A like me and think it all needs done today because it said so. With all of this being said, I have made some changes to our classroom stuff to hope to make things easier on everyone and a little more streamlined.


*Zoom meetings have changed. There will be a reading Zoom at 7pm on Tuesdays and a math one Thursdays at 7pm. These will be the only two for the week. I will change the link in Class Dojo. If a child needs individual help, please email me and we can facetime or create a separate zoom for that. I am here to help if it is needed outside of that once a week zoom call on Tuesdays daily from 9-12.

*I will post an assignment in Dojo on the days that one is due. They will submit a video of their assignment, pausing on each page for about 3 seconds under comments on my video. This will keep everything in one central location for me so I can see who has submitted or not for checkoff purposes. It will be just like answering the daily question for attendance, but with a video instead of text.

*I will return all emails and Dojo messages from 9-3 each weekday. Outside of these hours, all emails and messages will be returned the following morning.

*If you have lost an assignment from your binder that came home the Friday before break, pick an alternative reading passage to do from the review packet that came home (all the stuff in the manila folder) and post it as your completed assignment. Things that have been taken out of the reading book cannot be duplicated and it is a lot of work on me to scan it somehow from another parent (as I do not have a hard copy of things here at home)and email and such. Picking another passage that was sent home, and there are plenty, is a fine alternative.

*I ask that you please refer to the learning calendar before asking questions as many of the questions that I received last week, are listed on the calendar such as what needs to be posted and what day to do what assignment.

I am working with Class Dojo on finding out some of your answers such as how do the kids message me if they have a question (for now let them use your message acct) or why things are sometimes not showing up on the parent side but are on the kids. I am also unsure why some of you couldn’t view my Screencastify video without logging in to Google Classroom and am working on switching that. I may create a private Youtube “channel” for easier viewing. I will get back to you when I know.

This week at a glance…

*Lesson 9 and 10 in Wordly Wise will be completed. I will post a place to put the answers.

*They will research their specific landform and write the answers on the chart (or a piece of paper if you didn’t have one and are using the one from my email). They will upload to the specific spot on Dojo.

* I will post a video of me reading Landforms Transform tomorrow(this should be in your reading folder in your binder-we put everything there or in your homework folder the Friday you left school). On Wednesday (this is not on the calendar) I will post another Screencastify of me going over all the answers to Landforms Transform if you want to watch that before you upload your answers.

I will post a landform video tomorrow for them to watch for science.

*The Vikings assignment on Friday is for you to do alone. This is for me to do a check-in to see how you’re doing with this week’s standard on academic vocabulary.

If you are having a hard time completing daily tasks in an hour or things are too stressful, PLEASE let me know. I will adjust or help so that we are keeping this a STRESS FREE WEEK!!! The next packet pickup will be next Monday.

Have a GREAT week!! Remember, mental health first!!!!!