Chinma Uche

Current position: Math/Computer Science Teacher

Education (degrees and school): PhD, Imperial College, London

Hobbies: Board Games, Computer Science activities, Christian Youth Engagement.

Where were you born and where did you grow up? Where did you go to high school? Nigeria, Nigeria, Nigeria

What did you want to be when you were growing up? Teacher

How did you get into computer science? Took Computer Science courses as a Math student; Was asked by my Principal to teach CS. Have loved it. Great experience. Empowering.

What other jobs have you had? Teaching and Research.

What is an average day at work like for you? Teach, run clubs, attend meetings, mostly virtual.

What is your favorite part of your job? Interaction with students, especially CS students. Love seeing what my students have created.

What is the best opportunity you have had because of computer science? Served as President of CT CSTA for 9 years, served as a member of the CSTA Board; served as a member of AP CS P Development Committee; currently serve in two higher education CS Department Board, adjunct faculty at two colleges, College Board mentor for CS teachers. K-5 Facilitator; Co-Creator of Mobile CSP.

Any great stories about working in computer science? Many of the teachers I trained in CS are leading CS activities in their states and training other teachers. I was nominated for an award, which I received by the aunt of a former student who heard of me from the niece. The lady now run a CS non-profit.