Learning Web Sites

You can access the library resources for our school and district using this site. Some of the resources require a user name and password.

To view the Post Elementary library catalog, click the "catalog" tab.

Some of the sites we use frequently in class are listed below.

This is a digital collection of fiction and nonfiction books. Students use this site for free in class. Parents can sign up for a discounted subscription for home access. Contact me for more information.

This is a database with information about many topics including, science, social studies, biographies, animals and dinosaurs. Students can read on their own or choose the "read-to-me" option. A username and password is required.

Curious children will love this site! Students can search using key terms or browse for "wonders" that interest them. No username or password required. Students can read on their own or choose the "read-to-me" option.

Do you have a plan for your summer reading yet?

The Harris County Public Library is the place to be! There are summer reading incentive programs and activities suited for all ages of children. You can check out books, cds, dvds and ebooks with your HCPL library card. The location closest to Post is the Fairbanks Branch on W. Little York. There is another location, the Northwest Branch, on Regency Green near Matzke Park.