
Hello, Rainwater Families!

I hope everyone is managing well at home during this school closure time. It can be confusing for children (as well as adults). So please talk with your kids, and explain what you know about the situation - using facts - appropriate to their age and level of understanding. There is no need to instill fear, just to help explain why we are spending so much time at home these days. Hopefully you are discovering lots of ways to spend time together as a family with projects, getting out and taking walks or even cleaning the house together.

CFB counselors are setup to provide 'virtual counseling' to their students for academic or social/emotional concerns during the district closure. This may be in several different formats depending on everyone's level of technology. At the very least I can email or even call and speak with your child. Use the link provided - - to reach out to me or just send me an email at Either way is fine and I will respond to you soon.

Here is some information about Metrocrest Services that you might find helpful. You can reach them at or 972-446-2100.

As always, our mission will be to serve those in need while providing encouragement and hope. In an effort to keep our staff, volunteers, and community safe, we are limiting face-to-face meetings. Our case managers are doing appointments via the phone, while the pantry has changed protocol to comply with Dallas County guidelines. We will not limit or reduce our services during these trying times.

Within a week, we have seen a 27% increase in food pantry visits and calls have increased for rental and lodging assistance. With all the closures, families and seniors who live paycheck-to-paycheck are at risk of becoming homeless as they will no longer have the funds to pay for their rent, utilities, food, medication, and other essential items. For everyone that has donated, volunteered, or simply just shared our message, we express a heartfelt THANK YOU. Together, we are making a difference. Together, we are “building a stronger community together.”

Here are a few other links to resources:

Harvard Medical School

How To Talk To Children About The Coronavirus

National Public Radio

The Coronavirus Comic

Take care of yourself and your families. We are all here to help in any way we can.

Jamie Smith

Rainwater Counselor