October 2018

Your monthly update on CFB's game-based learning experience for staff!

Wondering what Game On CFB is all about?

Visit the website at gameoncfb.com or check out this infographic describing how to earn a badge!

The Hour of Code is Coming...

Celebrate Computer Science with an Hour of Code

Each year, CFBISD staff and students engage in an Hour of Code to promote coding in schools, practice critical thinking, and provide our students with exposure to computer science, an expanding industry that has irrevocably changed our world.

Stay tuned for updates about how CFBISD will celebrate the Hour of Code this year.

If you'd like more information, visit HourofCode.com to register your class or campus, explore free resources, and see how others are providing computer science opportunities for students across the globe.

Hey, hey, hey... Goodbye!

Padlet Professor Badge Retires

With sad faces, we have decided to retire the Padlet Professor badge. Padlet has undergone some changes over the summer that limit what you can use for free. As a result, we have decided it is best to retire the badge, but not the tool!

Because Padlet can be used for so many purposes, you can still use Padlet as you work towards earning the Fun with Formatives or the Backchannel Believer badge.

Na Na Na Na Hey Hey-ey Goodbye.mp3

Come Chat With Us!

Fall Twitter Chat on November 14th

Are you trying to earn the Beyond the Nest badge for Twitter? Do you love connecting with other CFB staff? Join us (online) November 14th for our fall Twitter Chat event.

The topic for our conversation? Our transition to 1:1!

We'll discuss best practices in technology-rich classrooms, share experiences from your semester with Chromebooks, and dive into the ways in which access to devices can transform the learning experience for your students.

Mark your calendars:

November 14th 7:00-8:30 PM

More details to come, but we look forward to chatting with you in November! #GameOnCFBChat

Literacy Night + Digital Learning

Literacy Night is right around the corner!

Last year, your DLS Team had a blast showcasing our first Digital Break-Out. We had such a great success and interest that we will be back for another one this year. Spread the word to your middle and high school students to attend the event and sign up for a chance to break out of our web of digital literacy at the Digital Learning Team table!

Check out some of our heroes from last year's break out!

Dynamic Digitales: A Game On Badge to Promote Digital Literacy

In honor of Secondary Literacy Night, we want to promote our Dynamic Digitales badge to help teachers and students think about ways to make reading and writing digital.

"Some of the tools help students create and digitally publish their tale with the final product being an e-book. Some other tools available allow students to illustrate their tales, but also add their voice narrating their tale. These type of tools typically have a final product that looks like a video."

To learn more about this badge, click here. If you already have a lesson in mind but need some ideas for different web tools and apps to create or publish digitales, click on the link below!

Dynamic Digitale App/Program Recommendations


Ever wonder what the digital learning team does?

As changes come about every year, we want to keep our CFB family in the loop about all that your Digital Learning Team works hard to accomplish for you.

If you follow our Twitter or Instagram account, we have begun using the hashtag #DLSEdventures to share some of the work we do every day. Our experiences range from working fast and furiously in the office on training development, newsletters, and presentations, to teaching kindergartners about mouse and trackpad skills, to helping host webinars for professional development, to coaching our fabulous CFBISD educators in technology integration.

Our edventures include many paths, and we want to take you along for the journey. Thank you for your follows, likes, retweets, and comments!

Not sure where to follow? Click on the icons to visit our pages.

October Twitter Challenge

What badge will you fall for this semester? Take a look at the Game On CFB site. Are there any badges that you'd like to pursue this month or next?

Share the badge that interests you most and tell us why it would help you in your current position.

Don't forget to use the hashtag:


Click on the image above to share on Twitter!

Shout out to some of our most recent badge earners across the district!

That's all for now, team. If you have questions about Game On CFB, you can always email your DLS, or ask the whole team via DLSTeam@cfbisd.edu.

Be on the look out for the next Digital Update and keep earning those badges.

Congratulations to the following readers for winning the newsletter contest from our last issue:

Niki Anderson

Riverchase Elementary

Shanna Martinez

Long Middle School

Thank you for reading the entire Game On CFB Newsletter! Enter this month's contest here!