
Go Incognito

There are many features of using the Chrome browser, one of them being the ability to go Incognito. Going Incognito means your browsing experience is private and not saved via the Chrome browser.

Why Go Incognito?

If you are a classroom teacher and you have students log into their Drive on your cart computer to show the class something from their Drive, you want your students to go incognito when logging in, otherwise, you have mutiple Google Accounts appear when you go to log into your own Drive.

That's only one solid reason to go Incognito, check out Kasey Bell's article below for additional reasons you want to go incognito.

Pin Tabs

Why Pin Tabs?

Have you ever accidentally closed out a tab that you really needed? Pinning tabs removes the "X" from the tab so that you can't accidentally do that. It also give you more room for additional tabs.

Ideally, if you have pinned tabs and closed Chrome, if you signed into Chrome, your pinned tabs still remain.

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How to Pin a Tab

  1. Right click on the tab
  2. Choose "Pin Tab".
  3. Want to unpin?
  4. Right click on pinned tab.
  5. Choose "Unpin Tab".

Duplicate Tabs

Why duplicate tabs?

Have you ever wanted to be in multiple places within your Drive at the same time? For example, you want to be inside a project folder, but you also want to be in your "Starred" section? With the ability to duplicate tabs, you can simply duplicate your Drive tab and be in two places of your Drive within two different tabs.

Another example may be that you navigate to a site for research, but you want to easily be back to the main homepage of the site without having to use your back button multiple times. Simply duplicate the homepage tab of that site, and use this new tab for navigating into the site. Ready to go back to the homepage of the site? Go back to the original tab you duplicated.

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Search the Omnibox +

Set Up Custom SEarch Engine

Yes, your Omnibox is a web browser address bar, but it is also so much more. Your Omnibox functions as a search box instead of just where you would enter a website url.

Did you know you can customize your omnibox to search specific sites with a few key letters? For example, if you wanted to to be able to search YouTube directly from the Omnibox, follow the instructions below for Number 1 "Keep it Short".

Open Specific Pages at Start

Another feature of Chrome is the ability to set what pages you want to open automatically each time you open Chrome.

If you visit the Staff Portal often, you may want to set it as a page that automatically opens each time you launch Chrome.

Step 1: Go to the Chrome Menu and select "Settings".

Step 2: Scroll to the "on startup" section, choose "Open a specific page or set of pages". Select "Add a new page".

Copy and paste the url of a page you want to open each time you launch the Chrome browser.

Click "add" when done.

Zoom In and Zoom Out

Sometimes feel like you need your reading glasses when surfing the web? Us too!

Chrome has a zoom in and out feature to allow you to increase or decrease sizing for preference.

Here's how to do this!

Did You Know?

  • You can drag and drop a website URL to your bookmark bar. (check out the video here for an example)
  • You can shorten a bookmark on your bookmark bar to just a Favicon. What is a Favicon? A Favicon is a small icon that represents a site. (check out a video here for an example)
  • If you accidentally close a tab, bring that tab back by the Ctrl + Shift + T sequence. Need to bring multiple tabs back, repeat until needed.
  • For fun, type in "do a barrel roll" in the omnibox. Check out what happens!