
What is it?

Google Chrome is a web browser created by Google. It has now become for many of us our default web browser as it works well with Google's other tools.


Chrome is a web browser that you can sign into and allows you to customize and personalize your browser as needed.

Why sign in? Have you ever bookmarked a site at work but then get home and forget that site that you need to access? Well, if you signed into Chrome at work when you bookmarked that site, you could sign into Chrome at home as well and those same bookmarks would appear!

Note: If you are on a Chromebook, you are automatically signed into the Chrome browser. In order to switch to a different Chrome browser on a Chromebook, you would need to sign out of the Chromebook and log in with your additional Chrome account.

Check out this video for a quick view on how Chrome can simplify your life!

Signing In

Chrome Sign In-Computer

What's the difference?

Signing Out--->Warning!

In general, you do not need to sign out of Chrome on your teacher workstation as you are the only user on your teacher workstation; however, if you were to sign into Chrome on a lab computer or library computer, you will want to sign out. Simply logging off the computer does NOT sign you out of Chrome (unless you are on a Chromebook)!

Chrome Browser Vocabulary

Get to know the vocabulary associated with the Chrome Browser...

  • Omnibox: The url bar that functions as a search engine plus more (another great resource for tips and tricks with the Omnibox)
  • Pinned tabs: To set your tab to a shortened tabbed that removes the function of closing it out accidentally
  • Bookmarks Bar: The area below the Omnibox that houses your bookmarks and bookmark folders
  • Favorite/Bookmark a site: If you click the star icon in the Omnibox, you are "favoriting/bookmarking" a site and have the option to add it to your bookmark bar or into a bookmark folder
  • Chrome Extensions: Third party applications that add functionality to the Chrome browser