Apply to Attend

In order to provide the best experience, space is limited. Priority will be given to U.S. high school teachers— especially those who serve students from low income or marginalized communities—who can implement DataLab activities in the upcoming school year. Other applicants are also welcome to apply. Application deadline is May 19th, 2023. Applicants will be informed of acceptance into the workshop by May 22nd. Additional applications will be reviewed and accepted on a rolling basis after that time until the workshop is full.


Each of the 4 days (11:00am ET - 3:30pm ET) will feature:

Participants will receive:

Investigating the world of light and color

The Spectrum Lab enables comparison & analysis of observed and model spectra

Session 1 June 12 - 15


Session 2 July 24 - 27

The Spectrum Lab is an online data visualization tool and associated investigations that support students in learning about light, color, and the electromagnetic spectrum by working with authentic scientific spectral data. It has been tested in physics, chemistry, astronomy, and Earth science and astronomy classes.

A laboratory for the study of exoplanets

DIY Planet Search enables an entire class to collaboratively generate, analyze, and interpret their exoplanet transit light curve

Session 1 June 26 - 29


Session 2 July 31 - Aug 3

In DIY Planet Search, classrooms use the MicroObservatory Robotic Telescopes — operated by the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian — to gather, analyze, and interpret their own observational data to search for the signals of planets orbiting distant stars - so-called exoplanet transits.