Summer 2023

Smithsonian DataLabs

Four-day virtual summer workshops for high school educators


Join the Smithsonian for a FREE one-of-a-kind professional learning opportunity. Hear from experts in the fields of spectroscopy and exoplanet research, gain ongoing access to the curriculum developers, and receive all of the materials you'll need to implement the DataLabs with your students. 


Join a community of educators.....

From the comfort of your own living room or kitchen table, you'll meet and learn with educators and scientists from the Center for Astrophysics, and from the Smithsonian Institution. An online workshop platform will provide opportunities for ongoing discussion and Q and A, as well as virtual tours of Center labs and facilities.

The Smithsonian DataLabsSpectrum Lab and DIY Planet Search — are two different technology-enabled instructional modules that, over 3-8 class periods, engage high school students in authentic investigations using real data and online data visualization tools. Developed with funding from the National Science Foundation, the Smithsonian Institution, and NASA, these data-centric explorations incorporate exciting trans-disciplinary content connections from across the Smithsonian. Explore this site to learn more about each DataLab, and apply to attend one or both virtual workshops.


Spectrum Lab: Investigating the world of light and color

DATES: June 12 - 15, 2023 OR July 24 - 27, 2023

Expert Speakers

Man in front of large image of the sun
Learn about current research and recent discoveries based on spectra

Hands-On Activities

hands-on materials with tape, scissors, diffraction grating
We'll mail you a kit of materials for simple hands-on experiments, like creating a simple spectrograph

Data Exploration

Spectrum graphical plots
Learn to use our data tool to analyze observed and model spectral data


Illustation of people on Zoom screen
Connect to a community of educators at live sessions and online


DIY Planet Search: A laboratory for the study of exoplanets

DATES: June 26 - 29, 2023 OR July 31 - August 3, 2023

Expert Speakers

speaker presentation on zoom
Learn about current research and recent discoveries in exoplanet science

Hands-On Activities

We'll mail you a kit of materials for simple hands-on experiments, such as modeling an exoplanet transit.

Data Exploration

Learn to use our data tools to analyze observed and model exoplanet transits


Connect to a community of educators, at live sessions and online




Space is limited! Apply now for a seat at your preferred session.