
2024: The Radcliffe Wave is Oscillating

Download the Cluster Catalog

The full catalog of positions and velocities of the young stellar clusters is available at the Harvard Dataverse. doi:10.7910/DVN/XSCB9N

If you use these data, please cite the corresponding publication, available via the Publications page. 

Download the Gas Catalog

The full catalog of 12CO radial gas velocities is available at the Harvard Dataverse. doi:10.7910/DVN/Q7F4PC   

If you use these data, please cite the corresponding publication, available via the Publications page. 

Download the Best Fit Model

The best fit model of the Radcliffe Wave is available at the Harvard Dataverse. doi:10.7910/DVN/F98QHY

If you use these data, please cite the corresponding publication, available via the Publications page. 

2020: Discovery of the Radcliffe Wave

Download the Cloud Catalog

The full catalog of distances to stellar nurseries is available at the Harvard Dataverse. doi:10.7910/DVN/07L7YZ

A critical component of the Radcliffe Wave analysis was the ability to determine the 3D distribution not only of stellar nurseries, but of the tenuous filamentary connections between clouds. You can download the catalog of  "bridging" features. doi:10.7910/DVN/K16GQX

Want to download the 3D structure of individual nurseries? We have detailed distance results available for a subset of clouds at the Harvard Dataverse. doi:10.7910/DVN/74Y5KU

If you use these data, please cite the corresponding catalog and methods publications, available via the Publications page. 

Download the 3D Dust Map

The Radcliffe Wave result rested on a method designed to obtain the most accurate distances to stellar nurseries. But we have also produced maps of the 3D structure of all the interstellar material in our Galaxy based on a similar method (Green et al. 2019). Our Galactic 3D dust map is available at doi:/10.7910/DVN/2EJ9TX, while the catalog of stars used to produce it is available at doi/10.7910/DVN/AV9GXO

Query the 3D Dust Map

The latest 3D dust map of our Galaxy is available to query at If you want to perform the same functionality in python, you can obtain the 3D dust map data via the dustmaps package.