Health Grade 5

Health Education

Dear Parent/Guardian and Student,

The 5th grade is beginning the CESU Health Education curriculum at BRMS. The Health class will meet twice a week, for sixty minutes, during either the first, second, third or fourth quarter of this school year. The students will receive their grades on their report cards at the end of the trimester in which they had health.

The class content is based on National standards for Health Education and Physical Education Grade Expectations. Other resources and curriculums will be used as well.

Topics and skills taught will include:

    • Intro. to Wellness triangle: physical, mental/emotional, social health
    • Decision Making / Goal Setting
    • Communication Skills and Social Skills
    • Stress Management
    • Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs: Myths and Realities
    • Media Awareness
    • Accident prevention/awareness
    • Puberty Education
    • Introduction to Food Pyramid/MyPlate
    • Activity/food balance
    • Cooking Terminology
    • Kitchen safety
    • Cooking: healthy snacks created using the kitchen labs

Activities will include:

    • Computer research
    • Discussion
    • Projects
    • Games
    • Role playing and
    • Multimedia technology
    • Cooking in the kitchen labs

If you have any questions about the Health curriculum please do not hesitate to contact me. I can be reached by email or by phone 899-3711.


David Nicholson, M.A.

Health/Wellness Teacher


I have read the included Health Education information for my 5th grade student


(Student’s name)

____________________________________________ ________________

Parent/Guardian Signature Date

*Please return to Mr. David Nicholson Thank-you.