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Understanding Trials

Implementation trials resemble action-research inquiries based on Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycles of continuous improvement to design, deliver, and assess learning. During an implementation trial, a team of teachers chooses a practice focus that they hypothesize will make a difference in student engagement and academic learning.

Use the articles below to learn more.

The myImpact trials process resemble action-research inquiries based on Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycles of continuous improvement to design, deliver, and assess learning. During a trial, a team of teachers chooses a learning design or practice focus that they hypothesize will make a difference in student engagement and academic learning.

The myImpact trials process includes a baseline and three trial data collection periods. 

Teachers collect three observations of each criterion in both the engagement and academic rubrics in the baseline data collection period and each of the trial periods.