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Reflecting with Reports

Teachers and teams use the reports generated with the observations to interpret the student response to instruction. 

Use the articles below to learn more.

The Observation Counts by Teacher report consolidates all the observations that were entered into the Data Collection page for that teacher, or all teachers if All are chosen from the teacher dropdown at the top of the screen. There is a dropdown menu located in the top right corner of the report window to filter the data by data collection period.

The Criteria Average by Student report consolidates all the observations that were entered into the Data Collection tab for each teacher or the team depending on the dropdown choices at the top of the myImpact window. 

The table displays a count of the number of students who had increasing, decreasing, or unchanged average rubric scores for each criteria from the first collection period chosen in the Compare: dropdown menu to the second collection period chosen in the To: dropdown menu. 

The Consolidated Data Analysis report consolidates all the engagement criteria observations (yellow) and academic focus area criteria observations (blue) that were entered into the Data Collection window. Consolidated data can be disaggregated by demographic group. The consolidated observation percent 3s & 4s in the table and graph reveal trends and patterns that suggest response to instruction.


In this article, we will explore a protocol that can be used by teams or collaborative groups to effectively analyze myImpact reports and engage in meaningful reflection. By following this protocol, teams can collectively enhance learning design and positively impact student engagement and academic progress.