Learn>Learning Catalog>Reflecting with Reports>Criteria Average by Student Report

Criteria Average by Student Report

The Criteria Average by Student report consolidates all the observations that were entered into the Data Collection tab for each teacher or the team depending on the dropdown choices at the top of the myImpact window. There are dropdown menus located in the top right corner of the report window to compare two data collection periods. 

The table displays a count of the number of students who had increasing, decreasing, or unchanged average rubric scores for each criteria from the first collection period chosen in the Compare: dropdown menu to the second collection period chosen in the To: dropdown menu. 

When a teacher is chosen in the Teacher: dropdown menu at the top right in the myImpact window, individual tables for each student are available below the consolidation tables. The average rubric score in each criterion is calculated by adding the ratings assigned during all observations for that student in that data collection period divided by the number of observations. Graphs of the engagement and academic tables for each student are available by toggling the icons next to the student dropdown field to show trends in each criteriion across all the data collection periods.

If a line appears to be missing in one of the graphs, the missing line may be covered by another line directly above it. Check the average numbers in the chart. If the average numbers are the same for criteria in all the data collection periods, then one line is covering another.


Higher or lower average rubric scores of criteria may be interpreted in more than one way. 

Teachers should consider the learning design that was planned for within each data collection period to interpret the data in a meaningful way.