Plan-Do-Study-Act Cycles 

The myImpact trials process resemble action-research inquiries based on Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycles of continuous improvement to design, deliver, and assess learning. During a trial, a team of teachers chooses a learning design or practice focus that they hypothesize will make a difference in student engagement and academic learning. 

Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycles are iterative problem-solving and improvement cycles used in various fields, particularly in quality management, continuous improvement, and action research. The PDSA cycle provides a systematic approach for implementing and testing changes or interventions in a controlled manner to drive improvement.

The PDSA cycle consists of four key stages:

The iterative nature of the PDSA cycle allows for continuous learning and improvement by systematically testing changes, gathering data, analyzing results, and making adjustments based on evidence. Each cycle builds upon the knowledge gained from previous cycles, promoting a cycle of ongoing improvement and problem-solving.

PDSA cycles are often used in improvement initiatives, action research projects, and organizational change efforts to drive progress, refine strategies, and achieve better outcomes. They provide a structured and adaptable framework for iterative problem-solving, allowing individuals or teams to experiment with changes, learn from the results, and make evidence-based decisions to drive continuous improvement.