
Feedback and  Pre-conference & Conference Evaluations

Your feedback is important! The evaluation links will be emailed at the end of the pre-conference and conference days, or scan the QR codes in the program for access.

In appreciation, for every conference evaluation submitted, the WISH Center will donate to an important cause in Wisconsin. See the evaluation form for more details.
Please submit your feedback by December 15, 2023.

**Special request for feedback for Affinity Groups** 

Definition of Affinity Group, from greatschoolspartnership.org: a form of professional learning where a group of people sharing common identities gather with the intention of finding connection, support, and inspiration.

The BHSS Conference plans to continue to engage educators and grow the offerings for affinity spaces at future conferences for groups to connect and share. The conference planning committee will partner with educators to lead engagement in these spaces.

Please share your suggestions for group affinity spaces you would like to see at future conferences on the conference evaluation.

Reach out to Katharine Reid with any feedback, comments, or questions regarding the conference evaluations at kreid@cesa4.org