
This is a general outline of what homework will normally look like and what you can typically expect to see sent home. There are exceptions such as, short weeks or the children needing more time on one concept.


The children will be introduced to their new vocabulary and spelling words that go along with their spelling and grammar. These will be sent home. They will practice spelling daily in class and vocabulary a few times throughout the week but it will be helpful to have them practice them at home as well.

Spelling ABC Order

Math worksheet


Spelling Worksheet (chose five of your spelling words and use them in a sentence)

Math worksheet


Students will be given a decodable reader to practice this weeks' reading skills.

Math Worksheet


The children will have their reading and spelling tests on Fridays.

The children should read their story on Thursday nights.

They should review their spelling words.

Math Worksheet


No homework!

Math Tests are given at different times when the chapter is finished. This varies and the children will have a review sheet sent home the night before a test in lu of a math worksheet.