Upward Bound is a college preparatory program funded by the U.S. Department of Education. Eligible high school students receive tutoring, counseling and classroom instruction designed to help them enter and successfully complete a post-secondary program. During the school year, academic services are provided on a weekly basis. Educational workshops and field trips for cultural, career, educational and recreational experiences are also included. During the summer, students attend a six-week residential school. Students live in the residence halls during the week, then spend the weekends at home. The summer program consists of classroom instruction, discussion groups, recreational and cultural activities, college visitations and college admissions assistance. There is no cost to the student. The United Sates Department of Education and Western Oregon University pay all costs. Students may receive a small stipend for regular participation.

Eligibility Sheet for Applicants 2020 .pdf

Have questions please contact:

Jackie Aguirre

Educational Advisor I Upward Bound (TRIO)

Western Oregon University

345 Monmouth Ave N. Monmouth, OR 97361

Office: 503-838-8061 | Aguirrej@wou.edu

Shondra Russell, M. Ed.

Director | Upward Bound (TRIO)

Western Oregon University

345 Monmouth Ave N. | Monmouth, OR 97361

russells@wou.edu | 503-838-8617


  • Learn about Upward Bound with this short video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8FYTghKyY0&feature=youtu.be

  • Fill out an Eligibility Sheet and return it to us at upwardbound@wou.edu

  • Once eligibility requirements are met, student will complete an Upward Bound Application, which included an essay, teacher recommendation and parental tax information.

  • Students should attend the weekly meeting/tutoring sessions to demonstrate their commitment to the program.

The program has limited space and not all students will be admitted.

For more information on how to apply, including your school's meetings schedule, please contact the Upward Bound office.

Who is eligible

  • High school students who attend one of the following high schools:
    Central High School or Dallas High School.

  • U.S. citizens, permanent residents or students who are in the process of becoming permanent residents and who are able to provide evidence of this intent from the Immigration and Naturalization Service.

  • Students who meet low-income criteria and/or are the first in their families to potentially graduate from college.

  • Students who have the potential to successfully complete college but who need academic and counseling support.

  • Students who have completed the eighth grade but not yet entered the twelfth grade.

  • Students who are at least 13 years old but not older than 19.

  • Students who will participate in program activities.

(Note: It is the policy of Western Oregon University and the Upward Bound program that no person shall, on the basis of race, color, creed, gender, national origin, age, or disability be subjected to any discrimination prohibited by the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1972, or other applicable laws and regulations.)