Painting 2

Jacob Brainerd "Districts"

18x24, Acrylic, 2019

This fits the theme because the painting was supposed to be an original photo and this photo came from my mom and I did get permission to use this photo. I can see color shape, contrast, space, and line in this painting. I would change the green and its color, it is too light and just not smooth enough for my liking. I love that it reminds me of the great time that I had golfing that year and what I accomplished my sophomore year.

Jacob Brainerd “Ocean”

8x11, Acrylic, 2019

It fits the theme because it’s a social issue painting brings the issue of the trash and plastic in the ocean and killing fish. What symbolism or iconography can you identify? If I were to change anything about this painting I would add more descriptive trash in the ocean that the fish are fighting for. I love the style because I didn’t want it to be realistic and I accomplished that with the cartoony style.

Jacob Brainerd "Cornell Mom"

8x11, Watercolor, 2019

For this painting I had to choose a different kind of paint for this project and I chose watercolor. I can identify a few iconography in this; space, shape, balance, and line. I would add more white on the pink cup, because its more white on the actual object. I love that it was a simple picture that I could paint.