Haley's Art Portfolio


Haley Yutesler "Kitty"

9x12, acrylic, 2021

I really liked this picture of me and my kitty, and I wanted to do a personal meaningful painting, and after losing my dog, my cat came into my life and kind of took her place, and really helped me with a lot of things. I used acrylic paint, because I thought it would be easy to blend my skin tones together, but I noticed that the trickiest part was when I was trying to create hairs on kitty. This would be more of a portrait kind of painting, and I wanted to also do one that took me a little bit longer to paint, because I want to hang this up in my room. I love the way my skin turned out, but my face is kind of scrunchy, and I don't know if it looks right, because I showed my mom and she said why did my face look like that, so that's something that I would change.

Out of This World

Haley Yutesler "Out of This World"

9x12, acrylic, 2021

I did this painting at my house, and my idea was for my room, because I had a lot of 70s vibes, and it has a lot of neon colors. I used mostly acrylic paint, but I got this cheap neon paint that I put on top of the acrylic to make it more bright and glow up in the blue light. This artwork was kind of easy, so I wish I could've added more details, but I still think it's a good simple pop of color that I hung up in my room.

Pure Beauty

Haley Yutesler "Pure Beauty"

8x11, graphite, 2021

I drew this drawing for one of my sketches super simple, but I really liked the realism of this drawing, so I wanted to put it in my portfolio because I thought it looked good. I used to paint and draw eyes on everything when I was younger and I think it means so much to me, because that was the first real life looking thing that I learned how to draw, and it kind of brought me to art, and made me love drawing. If you look back in my first drawing class or my first painting class, I think I did maybe two or three of paintings/drawings regarding something with an eye and I made it unique. This one is just simple beauty, because I struggle to see the beauty of myself sometimes.