
Abigail Castleman "Gummy Bear"

4x2, Earthenware & Glaze

This was a base project for this class so I wanted to have a little bit of fun with it. My idea came from these little side projects I'd do on the side of my concentration to take a break from or gain new ideas. I just painted gummy bears with watercolors so I did this as as a fun little project. The body is hollowed out to thin the figure and create less opportunity to explode when fired. The eyes were created by pushing the curve of a spoon into the clay. An aqua glaze was used for the coloring.

Abigail Castleman "Forest Fairy"

15x7x12, Earthenware & Glaze

This was a very fun project in which I really let my imagination run wild. My initial intent for this piece was to make it a mermaid but with my obsession for woodland themes, I came up with a fairy. This process started out with a sketch that I would model my sculpture after, including the ears which I'm pretty proud of. This piece was often frustrating at times as there are pretty tight and small pieces, making it very difficult to glaze and sculpt. If i were to do this piece again, i think i would make a bigger eye socket for the eyes to rest into.

Abigail Castleman "Heart Thrown Pottery"

6x6x3, Earthenware & Glaze

This was my first time on the wheel which was both exciting and frustrating. The first day I went on, I was pretty confident in my abilities, then the days following, everything just seemed to fall apart. I had no idea where I was planning to go with this piece. I just made until the walls started to droop which already goes to show that my efforts were failing. I decided to work with the dropping walls and folded them into a heart shape for fun. The center colors were a test run for my fairy's hair color.

Abigail Castleman "Calla Lily"

5x4x4, Earthenware & Glaze

This is my utilitarian piece as it is a ring holder. I got the idea from my mom who asked me to make a ring holder for her. Knowing that her favorite flowers are calla lilies, I immediately knew what I had to do. This was avery quick project as I made this during the drying of my fairy. I attempted to do an ombre color for the petal as the references I saw were pretty dark flowers with a slight fade towards the end however I don't think that translated very well. If I could do this piece again, id choose a different color and make the color darker.