HKCCCU Logos Academy (Logos)
Jun 1, 2023
Jun 1, 2023
About Logos
Logos Academy is founded on the Truth of the Bible and on a global education perspective. It adopts the “through-train” mode of primary and secondary education, takes advantage of the flexibility of the direct-subsidy scheme and enjoys well-equipped classrooms and buildings with high-tech learning facilities.
We strongly believe that the heart of education is education of the heart. Logos Academy is committed to assist our students to pursue an abundant life built on truth, goodness and beauty. We aim at providing an all-round education leading to students’ spiritual, moral, cognitive, aesthetic, physical and social growth. The school also cultivates and enhances students’ ability to inquire, reason, self-learn, solve problems and to face the many challenges of life. We aim to cultivate a culture of learning whereby learning is an effective and pleasurable undertaking for students.
Introduction & Inquiry Focus
This year, Logos established a professional learning community consisting of non-EIE colleagues from the Department of English and the Department of Sciences, with the objective of implementing pedagogy of play and thinking routines in classrooms.
We are exploring the innovation question: “How to effectively share the EIE vision and tools to other colleagues and to encourage and engage them in the innovation in education?”
On the day, the participants collaborated with Logos’s learning community members to co-design a lesson plan for either an English or a Science class. Ample time was provided for discussions, debriefing, and exchanging ideas. Following the lesson planning phase, the implementation of the lesson plan in the participants' classes could be scheduled. We also consider holding a sharing session in the following academic year to discuss the outcomes.
What did we do/hear/feel on the day?
The day began with a warm welcome, setting the tone for a productive and enjoyable day ahead. As teachers, we recognize the importance of taking care of ourselves, both physically and mentally, in order to be able to effectively support and guide our students. That’s why we started the day with a stretching exercise, led by a professional yoga teacher, to help us ground ourselves and prepare for the day ahead.
After the exercise, we felt rejuvenated and ready to dive into our discussions and lesson planning. The participants were divided into two groups, each with a specific focus: the English group and the Science group. Both groups worked collaboratively to co-design a lesson plan that would be engaging and interactive for their respective students.
We applied the pedagogy of play, which emphasizes that learning should be full of curiosity, wonder, and engaging, and incorporated thinking routines into the lesson plan to facilitate in-depth thinking and encourage student participation. The participants were enthusiastic about the approach and worked together to create a lesson plan that was both educational and enjoyable.
The discussion itself was lively and enjoyable for all participants. It was clear that everyone was invested in the process and excited to see the positive impact the lesson plan would have on their students. We left the session feeling energized and inspired, knowing that we had made progress in our efforts to create a positive and engaging learning environment for our students.
In conclusion, the stretching exercise and collaborative lesson planning session were valuable opportunities for teachers to prioritize their own well-being while also focusing on creating engaging and effective lesson plans for their students. By incorporating pedagogical best practices and encouraging collaboration, we were able to create a productive and enjoyable atmosphere that left everyone feeling motivated and inspired.
Visitor Learnings & Reflections
(What’s our learning as visitors?)
(What’s our learning as visitors?)
Reviewing lesson materials collaboratively with colleagues could greatly enhance the overall effectiveness of teaching and learning and promote the culture of collaboration
It also supports and facilitates the reflection of using thinking routine in lesson
Getting colleagues together to discuss a lesson plan might be difficult to arrange, but it is worth investing time in this practice as it offers a valuable professional development opportunity.
Besides, one of the impressive activities during this experience was the yoga relaxation session, which left us feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Well-being of teachers should also be taken care of.
Host Learnings & Reflections
(What’s the learning of the host & possible next steps?)
(What’s the learning of the host & possible next steps?)
Through our collaboration and co-design of lesson plans, we have come to realize that one plus one is indeed greater than two. Synergy emerges from the collective efforts of colleagues, and our study group has been a testament to this fact. As we worked together to create engaging and effective lesson plans, we discovered that great ideas flowed freely in our discussions – ideas that would not have been possible had we worked alone.
Our study group has also highlighted the importance of building strong relationships in the pursuit of innovation in education. We have not only worked together but have also supported each other mentally and spiritually, recognizing that a positive and encouraging environment is essential for growth and development.
As we continue to organize and expand our study group, we hope to invite more colleagues to join us. We believe that by opening up our discussions and sharing ideas across different departments, we can create a more inclusive and collaborative learning environment for our students. Our goal is to foster a culture of innovation and continuous learning, where everyone has a voice and a role to play in shaping the future of education. With this mindset, we are confident that we can achieve great things together and make a positive impact on the lives of our students.