The Liquidation of the Ghettos

As Jews began being deported they were petrified of what lay ahead. Some of them didn't know what was going to happen, some knew but didn't resist being deported, and some didn't even want to know what was going to happen to them.

Families began to be separated and put into cattle trucks, not knowing what was going to happen. The conditions of this journey were terrible. Lots of people died on the way to the camps, and some even tried to escape.

This is a picture of Jews being put into a truck and being shipped off to a death camp.

The Warsaw uprising is when the Warsaw Ghetto fought back against the Nazis. Warsaw only had 2 machine guns, and 15 rifles, to the Nazis 135 machine guns, and 1358 rifles. Of course Warsaw was outnumbered but they managed to dent the Nazis confidence and capability.

Germans fighting against the Jews.