The Judenrat

Some of the horrors of the ghettos were reduced with the help of the JDC, also know as the Judenrat. The Judenrat was created by the Nazis to carry out there orders. The Nazis thought that if they could get the Judenrat to talk to the people that they would cooperate better because they were listening to other Jews. This did work the way they wanted it to but there were a few things that the Judenrat tried to keep as secrets.

They ran school and orphanages, and were also in charge of housing, health, and public order. Sometimes the Nazis would shut down the orphanages and schools, but the Judenrat would run them in secret.

This is an underground school run in a ghetto.

The Judenrat also tried their best to make the Ghettos as useful as possible to the Nazis, that way they wouldn't be deported so fast. They built factories and workshops to decrease the number of Jews being Deported.

This is a small factory in the Lodz Ghetto.